Monday, June 20, 2011

2 days ago, I threw away Firefox

I don't know how you do it, but I always kept one browser [Safari] in my Dock and another [Firefox] In my apps folder. Safari kept everything, very neat and tidy. Like those cell phones that Stringer and Marlo kept, to show the world they were normal. But Firefox, she, ever remembered any history. Restarting always wiped the cache and a few other things I pretend to understand. Only one part was revealing. One tiny folder of links. This was all I left open to the world of my truest desires, save that one odd 105.34 GB folder of Temporary Items buried in my documents folder. There was no choice, really. It had become a bit too easy. Close the door, rub one out, then think about how I should really do some laundry, or clean up or vacuum or dust or something. It was beginning to creep back into my life, sitting in front of this stupidly bright iMac and wasting my life. I had read my last article about online porn addiction among males in their "early to late twenties." 2 days ago I finally deleted Firefox, and all the links and anonymity a truly free internet gives.

I'm not saying I masturbate a lot. Once, sometimes twice a day. Thing is, I recently got this really awesome girlfriend. This brought on both wicked awesome sex and all the little, weird, kinda gross things that come with it. I'm not saying things are bad, but I've been in a bit of a rut recently, gotten out of shape and believe I should be conserving my ammunition. That's why, not one hour ago I thought "Man, my roommate's not home, it's still early...maybe..." and just as I reached for my 16 fl oz Lubriderm Daily Moisture, I realized it. The new rule I was going to have to follow, and basically the whole reason I resurrected this crapshoot and wrote this post:

If I wouldn't be having sex, I shouldn't be masturbating.

Meaning: I shouldn't try to rub one out if I'm too tired/stoned/drunk/otherwise to do the horizontal hokey-pokey, had I the means, and those being a lovely lady.

"But why is this important?" You might be asking yourself. Because I've spent a lot of time on the internet and have a rather specific fetish, but that's such a naughty sounding word. I prefer Love, it sounds more natural. I have a Love of Breasts, especially of the larger variety. 
Real, Fake, Huge, Small, I will always love them all. 
[So long as they're not giving you cancer or making you poorly, of course].

I'm also rambling so I'll come back to what this is all about later and get back to the point:

I'm going to post this and enable everything, delete all the old comments [Sorry blackstreetbbw, you'll always have my first comment] maybe some posts and start this thing fresh, and see what might come up. Hopefully coping with the loss of easily acceptable porn in an effort to really enjoy being with another person will prove a fruitful endeavor.

So, this is my record of destroying my quick links, moving all porn off my HD and onto and external, and seeing if I'm really going to loose my sex drive. I can't decide if I'm going to keep posting big boob news, but I think it might keep me on the straight and narrow. Who knows, maybe someone will actually start reading this drivel.